The time is finally here for California State University (CSU) and University of California (UC) applicants to start preparing their transfer journey. All submissions will be due Nov. 30 for the fall of 2022. Students must have 60 transferable units by the end of spring 2022 to be considered for fall 2022 admissions to the CSUs and UCs. CSU campuses like CSU Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominguez Hills, Monterey Bay,CSUN (Northridge), and San Marcos have extended their deadlines until Dec. 15. Potential applicants can visit to learn more about upcoming deadlines.
For Stephanie Rivera, a student from Santa Monica College, transferring has become an exciting time. “I cannot believe I am finally going to be able to graduate and transfer. I’ve been going after my two-year degree for over two years, so I am very relieved.” But for some other students like Nicole Baca it can be the complete opposite. “I am very stressed. Happy, but stressed. There is so much paperwork to be done and I didn’t realize how much detail transfer applicants need just to get verified. I thought it was all taken care of in terms of admissions, but there is still so much that needs to be done on my side as a student. I didn’t expect it.”
CSU applicants must obtain unofficial transcripts for all colleges attended and AP scores. The application requires students to enter all courses they have taken. Enter courses exactly as they appear on the transcript. Applicants will also need to specify what courses they plan to take for the remainder of their time at Glendale Community College. Counselors are available for drop-in counseling until the last day of the month for assistance with the applications or course planning for the upcoming semester. In order to apply, applicants need to have fulfilled or plan to fulfill the four basic skills general education requirements: Oral Communication, English Composition, Critical Thinking, and Math/Quantitative Reasoning in order to apply. CSU has provided a transfer application guide that can be found here for any type of clarification:
For UC applicants exam requirements have changed. The University of California will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when admission decisions or awarding scholarships. Applicants can still submit their test scores as part of their application. They will be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after an applicant has successfully enrolled. If applicants have completed all of their secondary school/high school in a country where English was not the language used to instruct classes, applicants are then required to demonstrate proficiency by taking one of the following exams no later than Dec. of their final year of high school/secondary school.
Application also requires applicants to enter all courses that have been taken. Remember to enter courses exactly as they appear on the transcript, including those in which D’s, F’s, W’s, EW’s, I’s, etc were received . Remember to specify which courses applicants plan to take for the remainder of their time at Glendale Community College. Create a list with a detailed description of activities, awards, and volunteer work.. Each question has a 350 word limit. Unlike the CSU application, the UC application process requires applicants to answer four Personal Insight Questions. Responses to the written component should outline accomplishments, experiences and goals that have not been previously mentioned in the student’s application. The UC website has provided a Personal Insight Questions: Guide for Transfer Applicants worksheet that can be found here. .
If applicants find that they need personal help, there are transfer application workshops that can be attended. It will help applicants learn strategies and tips on how to properly prepare. Visit .
Valerie Henley can be reached at [email protected]