A legal review of this chapter was carried out. Following the review, all sections were refreshed.
Under Section 34 of the Care Act, a universal Deferred Payment scheme has been established. A deferred payment scheme allows the person entering into it to delay making some or all of their payments to the Local Authority for the Care and Support services they receive. It allows them time to come to terms with their situation and consider their options without having to rush into selling their home. Some people enter into a deferred payment agreement until they die but others use it as a 'bridging loan' while they decide what best to do and explore options available for meeting the cost of care (for example, they may be able to arrange the release of another asset to meet the cost). How long a person has a Deferred Payment agreement for is entirely up to them.
There are two types of Deferred Payment agreements:
When a Deferred Payment agreement is entered into the Local Authority usually secures its interests by arranging for a land registry charge to be placed upon the person's property. This is similar to a mortgage and the property cannot be sold unless the amount owed is repaid. The Local Authority then defers the agreed payments until a set equity limit is reached or the agreement is terminated, whichever comes first. At this point the person's home is sold and the Local Authority receives payment for the care costs it has deferred under the agreement.
The Local Authority is permitted to add administration costs and interest charges to the Deferred Payment agreement. This includes legal fees it pays to arrange a charge with the land registry, photocopying or printing costs and time spent arranging the agreement, although it must not charge more than the cost of operating the Deferred Payment scheme.
The Deferred Payment scheme is currently available to all people living in a care home who meet clear criteria set out by the government (see below). If people living in a care home meet the criteria for a Deferred Payment agreement the Local Authority must offer one.
IMPORTANT TO KNOWUnder the Care Act, the Local Authority only has to offer a Deferred Payment agreement to people who live in a care home and meet the criteria. However, the Local Authority may choose to offer a Deferred Payment agreement to a person who lives in a care home but does not meet the criteria or to someone who lives in a supported living placement. Please see When the Local Authority may Enter into a Deferred Payment Agreement for details.
The person can defer the full amount of their care costs less any contribution that they have been assessed to pay. A lesser amount may be deferred where the person chooses to make an additional contribution from another source. However, if a person has chosen to live in a care home that costs more than the personal budget amount, the Local Authority does not have to defer the 'top-up' amount payable, although it has the power to do so if it wishes to. If the Local Authority decides not to defer the top-up amount then the top-up remains payable.
Payments relating to interest and charges made by the Local Authority should also be deferred unless the person requests to pay these separately.
Deferred Payment agreements cannot be used to pay a mortgage or rent on supported living accommodation.
Where the person has a weekly income in excess of £144 (known as the disposable personal income) the Local Authority can request that the person contributes the remainder of their income towards the cost of their care through the financial assessment process. This means that only some of the costs will then be deferred.
If the person has savings, they may wish to make a contribution to the Local Authority towards the cost of their care from this, again meaning the amount of the deferred payment will be less. However, the Local Authority cannot compel a person with a Deferred Payment agreement to make a contribution from their savings if they do not wish to do so.
When entering into a Deferred Payment agreement the total amount that can be deferred against the capital asset (normally property) must be agreed in advance. This amount is known as the Equity Limit and the Local Authority is not permitted under the Care Act to defer total payments over this amount.
To calculate the Equity Limit the Local Authority must obtain a property valuation then deduct 10%, and then deduct the lower financial limit. This allows for some variation in the market over time and ensures that the person maintains some of the equity in their home.
Mary has a property worth £165,000 following valuation. 10% of this is £16,500 and the lower financial limit is £14,250. This means that the Equity Limit is £134,250 and Mary still has £30,750 of equity in her home. The Local Authority can only defer payments up to £134,250.
If the Local Authority identifies someone who may benefit from or be eligible for a Deferred Payment Agreement, or if a person approaches them for information, they must tell them about the scheme and how it works. This explanation should, at a minimum:
Under the Care and Support (Deferred Payment) Regulations 2014 there is a clear eligibility criteria to determine whether a person is entitled to a deferred payment. If a person meets the criteria they must be offered a deferred payment by the Local Authority.
Under Section 35 of the Act the Local Authority has the discretion to offer a Deferred Payment agreement to people living in supported living accommodation (formal schemes) when:
The Local Authority also has the power to offer a Deferred Payment agreement to someone living in a care home or supported living scheme who does not meet all of the criteria set by government, provided that there is adequate security for the deferred amount. The statutory guidance suggests the following considerations when deciding whether to offer a Deferred Payment agreement:
The Local Authority cannot refuse to enter into a Deferred Payment Agreement with someone who lives in a care home and meets all of the criteria unless:
In these situations the Care Act gives the Local Authority 'permission to refuse' to enter into an agreement in order to protect itself from default or non-repayment of debt. Where the refusal is because of a top-up, the Local Authority should still try to offer a Deferred Payment agreement but may stipulate certain terms and conditions or adjust the amount to be deferred. The person can then choose whether to accept the terms.
Wherever possible the Deferred Payment Agreement should be in place by the end of the 12- week property disregard period.
The Deferred Payment agreement is a loan agreement, because as soon as payments start to be deferred the person is indebted to the Local Authority and interest is accrued on the money owed. As such the agreement must clearly set out all terms, conditions and information necessary to enable the person to ascertain his or her rights and obligations under the agreement before entering into it. These include:
For further information about the terms and conditions of a Deferred Payment agreement see the Care Act Statutory Guidance.
The Deferred Payment agreement can only end when payments and charges accrued by the person have been paid in full. However, there are circumstances where the Local Authority can refuse to defer any more payments on an active Deferred Payment Agreement:
When refusing further deferred payments on a Deferred Payment agreement the Local Authority should provide a minimum of 30 days, advance notice that further deferrals will cease; and should provide the person with an indication of how their care costs will need to be met in future. Depending on their circumstances, the person may either receive Local Authority support in meeting the costs of their care, or may be required to meet their costs from their income and assets.
Even though deferred amounts may stop being added, the account will continue to accrue interest charges until it is paid in full and the Local Authority must ensure that it makes the person aware of this so that they can make an informed decision about settling of the account.
The person may choose to terminate the Deferred Payment agreement at any time prior to the agreed time or Equity Limit being reached by giving notice in writing to the Local Authority. There are a number of reasons the person may terminate the account:
Where the person has sold their home or is deceased there is a time limit to settle the Deferred Payment agreement in full. This is either:
If the person has terminated the agreement because they have moved back into their home no further deferred payments can be made against the property and the property must be disregarded in respect of any new financial assessment. The person remains liable for the deferred payments to date and interest will continue to accrue until such time when the account is settled.